We provide legal services for artists, arts nonprofits, and creative businesses in Tennessee, including:
- Drafting and reviewing contracts
- Protecting your work with copyright and trademark
- Resolving arts-related disputes
- Nonprofit formation
VLPA also connects artists and arts organizations with skilled professional volunteers in these areas:
- Accounting/Finance – whether setting up accounting and payroll systems, evaluating cash flow management, or budgeting and planning, our skilled volunteer accountants are here to help.
- Computers & Information Technology – our IT volunteers conduct a needs assessment, work with you to address specific problems, and improve your organization’s technology systems.
- HR/Personnel – these volunteers can help your organization evaluate and develop personnel, consult on hiring and firing best practices, and design board evaluation tools.
[My volunteer attorney] was not only professional in all my dealings with him but he also cared about my situation. Nowadays that’s a rare thing to find, and I am most grateful.” -Dan Demay, Musician
Eligibility requirements* for clients to access VLPA services include the following:
- Issues must be arts-related;
- Clients must be current residents of Tennessee;
- To access pro bono services, artists and arts organizations must be income qualified.
- For residents of the Greater Nashville area (Greater Nashville Counties are: Cannon County, TN; Cheatham County, TN; Davidson County, TN; Dickson County, TN; Robertson County, TN; Rutherford County, TN; Sumner County, TN; Trousdale County, TN; Williamson County, TN; and Wilson County, TN), the adjusted gross household income threshold as of January 1, 2025, is $48,650 (with an allowance of $4,500 for a spouse or domestic partner and each dependent). For Tennessee residents residing outside of the Greater Nashville area, the adjusted gross household income threshold is $39,010 (with an allowance of $4,500 for a spouse or domestic partner and each dependent). Clients with incomes above the threshold may still be eligible for paid referrals at full or reduced rates.
- Qualified arts nonprofit organizations will have an annual budget of less than $1M.
- Must be or become members of the Arts & Business Council of Greater Nashville.
*Eligibility requirements for clinics, including the Black-Owned Small Business & Nonprofit Legal Clinics, may vary.
I feel strongly about the arts and what they bring to the city and the public education system. I enjoy the opportunity to do work with the creative types and step out of the everyday grind that is practicing law.” – John Ray Clemmons, Chaffin & Burnsed, PLLC
Since opening as the Tennessee Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts in Fall 2006, VLPA has helped the arts community resolve nearly 4,000 legal and business matters. In 2017, VLPA reached a huge new milestone by providing over $3 million in free legal and business counsel to 2,500 artists and 450 nonprofit arts organizations.
Even if you don’t see your need listed above or aren’t sure whether you qualify, complete the appropriate form to contact us. We are here to help!
VLPA is made possible in part by:

Volunteer Lawyers & Professionals for the Arts is also being supported in part by federal award number SLFRP5534 awarded to the State of Tennessee by the U.S. Department of Treasury.